Thursday, August 30, 2012

“That’s not just sweat, those are change droplets!”

It’s probably not a surprise that I’m a big fan of trying new workouts. It started out in college, when I would rip out the exercise section from fitness magazines. 14 years later I still do that. It keeps my mind fresh. It’s one of my sources of workout mash ups for my clients. Because being physically active should be FUN! My magazine and DVD libraries are RIDICULOUS; and I love going to them for some creativity. There’s a list of workouts a mile long that I haven’t tried. And, I don’t just stick to women’s fitness magazines for inspiration. One of my favorite magazines is Men’s Health. I love their articles, their workouts, and sure, there’s some nice eye candy in there too ;) Plus, what's good for the gander can be good for the goose too! 
One Volume of My Workout Arsenal

The most recent issue features DeltaFIT, a “fitness movement” that uses metabolic resistance training. Meaning you’re doing upper and lower body, core work and cardio all at once. I’m a huge fan of the Spartacus, Tabata, and HIIT workouts, so I thought DeltaFIT would be right up my alley. I woke up and needed some RAWR to my training, so I gave DF a try.

Not only is it an all inclusive workout, but I loved that the creator of it, BJ Gaddour is quoted as saying, “That’s not just sweat, those are change droplets!” And, a review of the workout said it would make you sweat.

Droplets of Change
Some prospective clients that I meet tell me they want to workout but don’t want to sweat. Really?!?! I’m sorry, that’s not going to happen. Sweat is essential. Sweating means your body’s doing its job. I understand if you’ve just gotten a Brazillian Blowout or have to get back to work and don’t have access/time for a shower; but, 98% of your workouts should make you sweat to some degree.

Anywho, DeltaFIT doesn’t mess around. I went through 1.5 matrices (their breakdown of exercises) and thought, “This isn’t too bad. It’s not that challenging.” * But there’s the kicker! As soon as I moved into round 2, enter the water works. Holy buckets! My heart rate was up, my legs were feeling those squats and my shoulders were definitely alive! I finished the workout feeling a sweaty satisfaction.

Give DeltaFIT, Tabatas, or HIIT a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed. And, challenge yourself today to produce “droplets of change!”
 *It probably wasn’t that challenging because I was actively recovering while reading the instructions. It’s OK to not sweat it out on the first set on the first time you're trying out a new routine. It’s more important that you get your form down and get set for round 2 where you can turn it up a notch! 

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