Thursday, November 1, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

One of my favorite self-improvement gurus is Louise Hay. Her foundation is based in positive affirmations and the belief that your creative power is in the thoughts that you think and the beliefs that they create.

Year before last, I started a daily habit of writing in my gratitude journal. Where each morning, I would sit down and fill a page for all of the things I was grateful for. I’ve gotten rusty in that regard, and it’s been awhile since I’ve formally written in my gratitude journal.

I have a Louise Hay daily affirmations calendar. What I love in addition to the daily affirmations, is that each month, she sets an intention for the month. And, how appropriate is it that November is that of appreciation and gratitude!?! It was EXACTLY the kick in the pants that I needed.  This intention has inspired in me the practice of getting back into the attitude of gratitude. So, I’ve found a brand new journal and have committed to writing in it daily.

Join me! I challenge you to find a special notebook or journal and each day write in it things for which your are grateful for or appreciative of. Pick a time of day that works best for you. It only takes a couple of minutes. And, you can write about ANYTHING. I know some days are tougher than others, and on those days you can start small. For things that we often take for granted. Like, I am grateful for my home. I am grateful for having food. I am grateful for having a job.  I appreciate clean air and water.

Throughout the month, I’ll be providing reminders and some themes that you can feel free to use in writing.

I appreciate the ability to blog! I appreciate my friends and family! I appreciate being inspired to be grateful! I appreciate all of the little things! I appreciate all of the big things! I really appreciate the focus and intention brought to this month by my calendar! 

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