Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maintain Don't Gain 2012-2013

You’ve been working hard all year long – keep that streak going! Don’t make your New Years’ Resolutions any harder than they have to be!

“Maintain Don’t Gain” (MDG) is a 6-week program running from Wednesday, November 21st  through Wednesday, January 2nd.  The purpose of MDG is to help you make it through the holidays without the dreaded weight gain and help kick off the New Year at least one step ahead of where you might otherwise be! MDG will focus on around themes that are commonly dealt with during our lives, but especially so during the holidays, e.g., stress, limited time, bounties of food and temptations.

Over the course of the 6 weeks, you will:
  • Go through an introductory 30 minute consult (over the phone) to set goals to help you make a healthy transition from 2012 to 2013.
  • Receive weekly emails and tips on how to maintain your health and well-being during the holidays.
  • Have one spot-coaching/accountability/check-in motivational email or phone call (5 minutes) per week centered specifically on your goals.
  • Participate in challenges with your teammates (The number of attendees will be divided into two teams. Teams receive points for participating in challenges each week. The winning team will receive a prize!) *Challenges include, drinking water, getting adequate sleep, physical activity, and other activities that foster your well-being! Bonus challenges, such as mall walking group activities will be interspersed on weekends throughout the Challenge!)

Cost: $65 for the 6-week program. Sign up by Tuesday 11/20 by emailing or calling Jen ( or 515-422-4498).

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