Friday, December 7, 2012

Embrace Yourself

The other day, I saw this picture and it really struck me and made me pause. Our bodies ARE the most amazing things we’ll ever own. But think about it, all too often, we judge our bodies, put ourselves down, compare ourselves to others, compare ourselves with how we used to look in high school, 10 years ago, 20 years ago….we’re always comparing.

When was the last time you appreciated your body for what it IS? It’s all too easy for us to take our bodies for granted…until we’re sick, or are injured…then, we’re snapped into reality about how much our bodies DO for us.

For a long time I constantly criticized my body. When I was younger, I was self-conscious of being a string bean. Then, through my late teens and early twenties I felt I was too heavy. When I let go of constantly scrutinizing myself is when I was able to accept myself. In doing so, I became happy with the way I looked and felt. I felt fit, happy, at just the right place. I appreciated my body for being able to move, bend, flex, run, elliptical. I appreciated my strength. I appreciated my capabilities. It’s a challenging process to switch years of thinking and talking negative self-talk….but you CAN do it!

Find things about your body that are easy to appreciate: I appreciate being healthy. I appreciate my lungs for helping me to breathe deeply. I appreciate my heart for pumping blood throughout my body. I appreciate the sensations that I feel. I appreciate all that I can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. I appreciate that I move around with ease. I appreciate that I can dance/run/jump/hula hoop (whatever!) whenever I feel like it! I appreciate that my body heals itself quickly! I appreciate the sound that I make when I laugh! I appreciate my smile!

In the morning, when you wake up and first see your reflection in the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and tell your reflection: I love you. Literally embrace yourself, and, give yourself a hug. Go on! Give it a try :) Doesn't it feel good?! Yeah it does! I KNOW that some readers will laugh at this…and maybe roll your eyes…but, loving and appreciating yourself makes a WORLD of difference. Be kind. To others. But most importantly, be kind to yourself. Our bodies really are amazing. Treat yourself as the amazing human that you are – every BIT of you! OWN that amazing-ness!

What do you love about your body? 

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